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awesome work! Any chance of a physical release?

Hi! No unfortunately we can't make physical releases right now. 
Maybe in the future with new ones. 

Thank you SO much for having me, it turned out absolutely incredible and everyone is so talented!!!


You did an amazing job with your piece!
It was a pleasure to work with you ♥
Glad you liked the final result~

Thanks to the organizers and good work to my fellow artists! The finished zine looks so lovely~~

We're so happy you liked the final zine ^^ 
It was amazing working with you, can't wait to do that again ♥

Thanks to the mods who organized the zine! I'm thankful for the opportunity to draw for this zine and maybe even get a little better and illustrating. :D

Thanks to you for creating 2 gorgeous pieces for the zine~
Keep creating ♥

Thank you so much for organizing again! hehe! : )))


Thanks to you for participating and creating such wonderful art~
Always a pleasure working with you ♥